Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder that causes unwanted thoughts, sensations (obsessions) or urges (compulsions) to do something repeatedly. Some individuals can experience both obsessions and compulsions.

While everyone has habits or thoughts they repeat on occasion, people that struggle with OCD have actions or thoughts that:

  • Take at least an hour a day
  • Are beyond their control
  • Are not enjoyable
  • Interfere with everyday life

There are various forms of OCD, but most of them usually fall into one of these general categories:

  • Checking, such as locks, alarm systems, ovens, light switches, or think you have a medical condition
  • Contamination, such as fear of things that might be dirty or having a compilation to clean.
  • Symmetry and ordering, such as needing to line things up in a certain way.
  • Ruminations and intrusive thoughts, such as obsession with a line of thought. These thoughts can be violent or disturbing.

To find out more, contact Dr Williams or send a message